your aging parent will have to move from
their home because it's for their health and
***Warning Signs To Watch For***
1. Weight loss
Are your parents having unexplained weight loss?
Many diseases cause this such as cancer, depression,
heart failure, dementia and malnutrition.
2. Are they safe in their home?
As you go through their home be on the look-out
for things like the condition of stairs. Is there
proper lighting? Loose scatter mats can be a
menace. Properly installed smoke detectors...
3. How are their spirits?
We all have bad days but signs of depression are
poor hygiene, neglected housework, shutting
themselves off from the outside world.
4. How is their mobility?
Are they unsteady on their feet? Do they need a
cane or walker to make it easier for them to move
5. Hearing & vision
Are they able to hear the doctor and pharmacist?
Can they see to read instructions? Have they
had any recent falls or injuries?
You really do have to be an investigator with aging
parents. They will not always answer your questions
truthfully. Remember, it sucks to get older and more
feeble. Be gentle but firm in your quest for the truth.
Look at things from a new perspective. Like child-
proofing a home, you have to "think in their shoes".
No, of course they don't want to leave their home
but they have to realize there are times when their
health and safety are at risk.
Especially when an aging parent is living alone. Then
you have to be extra diligent in your assessment.
If you live too far away to "investigate", try to arrange
a friend or family member living close by to watch
these things for you.
Be strong and help them stay around as long as