My mother hated to see winter. She knew she'd be more confined. She became so afraid after so many falls during her lifetime. I'm not elderly but I've had my share of bad falls on ice. Now I have traction grips for my boots. I cover everything in ice-melter. You could say I'm on high alert.
If your aging parents live with you or handy to you, it's easier to make sure sidewalks and driveways are properly maintained during the winter months. If they live by themselves, make sure they take precautions or arrange for someone to make sure the walkways are clear. And don't forget decking. Those are the absolute worse! I've done more splits on mine than I care to count. Pulled groin muscles are no fun either.
My mother had ice grips for her cane and it gave her so much more confidence in going outside in the winter. I'm almost tempted to start using a cane with ice-grips, myself! Like the one pictured here!