Sunday, January 25, 2009

Taking Care Of Your Parents When The Time Comes

This is a subject close to my heart. You see,
my Mom lived with me until she passed away
in May 2006. It only seems like a few months
ago. I miss her more today than when she first

A Caregiver's Guide!

That may have to do with the fact I'm divorced
and liked to say Mom and I were side-kicks. So
now a vital part of me is gone. Being an "only child",
makes me feel like an orphan.

This is not to say that looking after aging parents
is easy. It's not for everyone. But there are many
facets to this life event.

You may live thousands of miles from your parents.
You have to coordinate things from a distance.

You may have siblings and in a perfect world, you
agree on how to take care of your aging parents.

You may live close by. You may be able to have
an aging parent live with you in your own home.

You may decide to live with them and take care
of them.

So if you are faced with eldercare issues, you have
my prayers. I only wish I would have had more
resources when Mom and I were together.

As I look back, I know I could have done things
better. Yes, guilt is always a part of it. Especially
for daughters! But that's another story!

Today I found something that warmed my heart.
I only wish I would have come up with it!

Take a look to see if it could give you some peace
and understanding as you face the inevitable...

A Caregiver's Guide!