Monday, July 16, 2007

Elder Care: Our Aging Parents

Elder Care...

People are living longer. While we celebrate
the news, we must remember the downside.

We will age. And with that comes all the age-
related maladies. Just at the time we baby
boomers are noticing new aches and pains,
helping kids through university, looking forward
to retirement...we are faced with another
of life's milestones that many in the past didn't
have to deal with.

Our aging parents. In the "old days", even
extended families lived within visual distance
of one another. Help was as close as an arms
length away.

Today, a son may be in Thailand, a daughter
in Europe and the parents in Iowa. But, they
are still our parents and we want to be there
for them.

In a perfect world, we are armed with the
information beforehand. But, no doubt as we
go about our busy lives, we are blindsided by
an event that reinforces the reality. Our
parents are now old. And, they need us.
How and when did this happen?

If you want to be prepared, take a look at
expert advice all in one place at...

Be ready when the time comes...